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National Dairy Month

Writer's picture: Abby CoonsAbby Coons

June is known for many things: sunshine, going out on the lake or to the beach, but something most people don't know is that June is National Dairy Month. National Dairy Month started out as a way to distribute extra milk during the summer months when sales would normally slow down. June became the official “Dairy Month” in 1939. We visited MTSU’s dairy farm in early June and talked to some of the student workers. After talking to the student workers we learned about how the dairy farm and MTSU students are connected. The student workers are the ones who milk the cows. It normally takes around 3 hours to milk the cows every day. Something interesting that MTSU does is they allow their students to show some of their calves each year. One of the current dairy cows was a show heifer that we were able to pet and watch as the student workers let her around with a halter lead. MTSU is famous for its amazing chocolate milk. They have Holstein cows for the most part on their farm but they do have a few Jersey cows. Jerseys are known for having a high butterfat content, this is what MTSU claims make their chocolate milk so creamy and delicious.

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2258 Henson Rd, Red Boiling Springs, TN 37150  

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